Colored fancies, the rarest of them all, are often among the most highly valued diamonds in the world. The Diamond Vault offers a range of wholesale-priced colored stone rings and fancies that are within reach. Colored diamonds are a separate category, priced according to market demand rather than an industry index. The gem’s value depends first on color intensity, with deeper hues more highly valued, and then size, cut, and clarity. We carefully select gems for their color (within 12 main color grades) and natural color origin.

This quick search tool is designed to help people looking for a variety of colored diamond rings in Phoenix and Scottsdale. Use it to check our complete range of colored diamond offerings and compare our wholesale-direct pricing.
Guide to Colored Diamonds
White/Colorless – Rarer than colored diamonds, white stones are popular, especially when it comes to celebrating big occasions. They’re used for engagement and wedding rings and exchanged during holidays and as romantic gifts.
Yellow – Yellow diamonds are rare; they pick up where the white diamond color scale ends with Very Light Yellow, also known as Cape diamonds, and become more intensely hued, depending on the presence of nitrogen, ranging up to Fancy Deep Yellow. Offered in many shades, yellow or canary diamonds represent elegance; their variability helps match the jewelry with the wearer’s style and personality.
Brown – The lightest shade is called Cognac, ranging up to darker-hued Champagne diamonds. Brown is a common color for natural diamonds. Expensive as these are, giving or wearing one is thus a sign of prosperity.
Pink – Pink diamonds are extremely rare, second only to red diamonds. Their rarity and popularity place them in a higher price range, making them Type II—highly desired by collectors. Experts debate the source of their color. The representation of love, beauty, romance, and fun is undeniable, as is the sense of self-worth a pink diamond provides the person wearing them.
Purple – Pure purple diamonds are very rare and come in two categories: violet (in the blue-grey spectrum), or purple (with reddish pink hues). The colors come from varied levels of hydrogen. Purple is symbolic of royalty, mystery, and balance by the removal of obstacles and also defines the feeling of being calm or energetic.
Blue – Blue diamonds are very rare, and most come from a few mines in South Africa and Australia. They often contain boron, which lends gray-blue or green-blue secondary hues. The blue color is reminiscent of the sky and sea and symbolizes youth, peace, and truth while providing a calming feeling.
Green – Green diamonds are considered a symbol of nature's harmony and fertility and are found in eight color intensity grades with many possible overtones and secondary hues. The green color comes from exposure to radioactivity. Green is a symbol of nature, well-being, growth, and fertility; the wearer of a green diamond and custom design jewelry may feel wealthy and open to change, new ideas, and expanding their horizons.
Select Your Color from a Certified Diamond Jewelry Store
The Diamond Vault will help find the exact color that symbolizes your relationship and feelings toward a loved one. People looking for a variety of colored diamond rings can use this tool to select their preferred color, shape of stone, price range, and carat count. For additional help, submit your comments online or call us today.