So, it’s finally that time. You’ve met the girl of your dreams and you know you want to spend the rest of your life with her. You’re ready to get down on one knee and pop the magical question. But before you can do that, you’ve got some serious planning to do, mister.

Don’t you worry, though, we’ve got you covered! Here is what you need to do to plan the perfect marriage proposal and make sure the love of your life says “Yes!”
- Have the Conversation
Now, while many women love the element of surprise in their proposal, it is important that you know that you are both on the same page in terms of marriage. Before you go shopping for engagement rings, be sure to have the conversation a few months in advance about where you see the future of your relationship going. This will not only make her excited about the future, but it will put your mind at ease about what the answer will most likely be when you finally do pop the question. There is nothing worse than a surprise proposal to someone who doesn’t want to get married.
- Know Your Bride
So you may be thinking, “Huh? Know my bride? Of course I know my bride!” Putting together a wedding proposal plan is the ultimate test of just how well you know her. This step is all about taking what you know and implementing it into your proposal plan. At the start of your planning, ask yourself these questions:
- Has she ever mentioned a dream proposal before?
- Would she like a large audience present for her proposal? Friends and family present? Or would she rather it just be the two of you at the place where you had your first kiss?
- Does she like grand gestures like skywriting and flash mobs? Or does she prefer more personal and sentimental acts of love?
- Has she ordered wedding catalogs and circled diamond engagement rings that she likes?
These are all very important questions to consider. In the months before the proposal, be sure to pay attention to little hints that she may drop about what kind of proposal she would like.

- Pick the Perfect Ring
Okay, the good stuff. Picking the ring. Before you rush off to search through jewelry stores and spend the big bucks, it's important to (once again) keep your girl in mind. It is not unusual for couples to pick out an engagement ring together, so if you’re not feeling confident, you may want to ask your future bride if that is something she’d like to do. Now if you’re on your own, don’t panic – picking a ring doesn’t have to be as hard as it seems as long as you keep these few tips in mind.
- Look for clues. For starters, there is a pretty good chance that your future bride has a Pinterest board dedicated to her wedding. Find it! You also don’t have to be bashful about asking your girl about what stone, cut, setting, and band she prefers. If you don’t want to be that direct, ask her friends to do some spying for you.
- Diamonds are great, but they are not the only option! There are so many different stones to choose from. Sapphires, emeralds, and morganites have been known to be some popular alternatives.
- Check out this article. It will teach you exactly what to look for when picking an engagement ring.
Don’t forget to get the engagement ring insured! This one is self-explanatory – protect your investment.
- Location, Location, Location
Location is critical to making sure that your proposal is a success. Whether you decide to go all out or do something simple, it's still sure to be great. Keep your future bride’s personality in mind when selecting a location. Would she want to revisit a place where you shared a special moment? Does she love the beach? Does she have a favorite restaurant that she doesn't get to visit often? Whatever you decide, make sure that there is a killer view or pretty place to take pictures and that you let your girlfriend know how to properly dress for the venue and weather.
Tip: The absolute best time of day to propose is the early evening. This is because sunset makes for great photographs and the late evening should be reserved for celebrating!
- Make It Personal
This is the most important step of all. You’re not just proposing to any woman, you’re proposing to your woman, so it’s important that you do a few things that show you are keeping her first in mind.

- Include pictures. Incorporating photos into your proposal is a very cute and personal idea. Nothing says “I love you” more than a collage of all the special moments that you’ve shared thus far in your relationship.
- Incorporate a few of her favorite things. If you’re going the beach picnic or hike route, be sure to include some of her favorite items in the picnic basket. Does she have a favorite snack? Is there a memorable wine or champagne that the two of you have shared? What types of flowers does she love? It won't hurt to have a bouquet of those there.
- Get your speech in order. While it’s not critical for you to know exactly what you’re going to say word for word, you should spend some time thinking about it. Reflect on all the things that you love about your future bride and think of all of the reasons that you want to marry her. Take these thoughts and put them into words to share with her during your big moment! If you think you might freeze up when the actual moment arrives, write down a few words to say and practice it a few times. Speak from the heart!
- Invite a few special guests. While some people prefer a moment with just their significant other, other people would love to share the moment with loved ones. If you know this is the case for your future bride, make sure the most important people in her life are present for this moment. Her parents and best friends will be sure to thank you for including them.
- Hire a Photographer
These days it’s all about pictures! This is going to be a moment that you’re not going to want to forget, so hiring a photographer is a must! Make sure you have your photographer hiding close by to capture your special moment. Beforehand, take a quick trip to your proposal spot to decide where they should hide and where you should position yourself so that they can get the perfect shot. If a photographer isn’t in your budget, just have a friend take some pictures with their iPhone! Just don’t forget to capture the moment!

- Pop the Question
Okay. Here we are, you’ve planned the big day, you’ve scoured through a billion different diamond rings to find the perfect one, you’ve selected a killer location, and you’ve found someone to capture your special moment. Now it’s game time. Take a deep breath. Follow the plan, and most importantly, just say what’s in your heart and enjoy the moment!
- Celebrate!
Pop the champagne and let’s get this party started! It’s time to spread the good news. Call, text, and email your friends and family and post some killer Instagram photos.
You did it! You’re engaged! Now to plan the wedding...
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